Hooray for glutes or how to do (at home) the 10-minute routine followed by models
We have to admit that sometimes it's really hard for us to summon up the willpower we need to get to the gym. But don't worry, here at Ônne we want to help you not give up on your daily training, which is why we've created the perfect sportswear for feeling comfortable while we do the glute work we think is so crucial.
So, we're suggesting these ten mat exercises to lift and strengthen buttocks in just a few minutes. Working 10 minutes every other day you'll achieve your goal, what more could you ask for!
1. Lie on your side and support your elbow. With your supporting leg slightly bent, straighten the other leg and lift it up a little. From this position, make small circles in a clockwise direction. After 30 seconds, repeat the exercise making circles in the opposite direction for another 30 seconds.
2. Without lowering your leg, stretch and bend for another 30 seconds trying to get your knee up to chest level with each bend. Then perform the same exercise with the other leg.
3. Once again without lowering your leg, keep it bent at a 90-degree angle by raising the ankle and lowering the knee below its level.
4. Repeat the routine of the previous exercises, one after the other, changing legs.
5. Change position and kneel on all fours on the mat. Support yourself on the palms of your hands, making sure they're in line with your shoulders and raise one of your legs to the side, keeping it at an angle of 90 degrees and trying to make the knee reach the same height as the hip. Raise and lower your leg, noticing how the muscle is working. The number of repetitions isn't as important as the way you do it. So take your time and focus on how you're doing the exercise and how the muscle is working. Hold for 30 seconds before switching legs.
6. In the same position (kneeling on all fours and with the palms of your hands supported), stretch one of your legs back and raise it as high as possible. Raise and lower your leg without resting on the ground for 30 seconds. Switch legs to repeat the exercise.
7. Very similar to the previous one, but in this exercise one of the support points varies. Kneeling on all fours and leaning on your elbows instead of your palms, stretch one leg back and lift but instead of lowering, raise the leg with small bounces for 30 seconds before switching and repeating with the other leg.
8. Get back on all fours and resting on the palms of your hands. This time, stretch one of your legs back, raise and move to the side, tracing a semicircle where the highest point is above the level of the hip and the lowest is a few centimeters from the ground. It's important that you don't put your foot on the ground at any time. Do this for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.
9. Change position and lie on your back on the mat. Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet in line with your shoulders. Raise your hips and hold the position up for a few seconds before lowering to the floor. The important thing is that with this exercise you tighten up your buttocks and your tummy while your hips are raised. Perform hip lifts for 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.
10. In the same position (lying on your back with your knees bent) raise a straight leg until it is perpendicular to the floor and then your hip again, concentrating on tightening your glute and keeping the straight leg perpendicular to the floor. Count for thirty seconds before switching legs and repeating the exercise with the other leg raised.
You can use a tabata app to mark the times for each exercise and complete your 10-minute routine. Rest 10 seconds between series, and if you manage to do it three times a week, on alternate days, you'll see results after a couple of weeks.