To exercise regularly, you need to have a few things: a cute outfit (we've got it!), a good setup (gym, home or outside), willpower (always), and great music to work out to, of course. These are the Ônne Squad's favorite playlists to take your work outs to the next level.
Are you ready?
It's a well-known fact that the music we listen to during our workouts has a significant impact on our motivation and effort. So, you can work out or you can work out like we do at Ônne. Without a doubt, the second option is harder, but it's also the one that offers the promise of glutes of steel and abs as flat as the ones models show off.
It's not enough anymore to just pop in the gym every once in a while or jump on the Zumba bandwagon (yes, the fitness program that mixes dance moves with aerobic exercises and which has enjoyed a revival following the 90s). Nowadays, it's necessary to think like we do in the Ônne Squad, and that includes knowing which songs motivate us when we get down to business.
Your workout soundtrack can be crucial: it can determine the success or the failure of your day. It might sound extreme, but it's been scientifically proven.
If you need songs that give you the strength to begin your workout (or your day) with energy, we've created "My Body" for you, with the most motivational songs that will empower you and make you feel like Beyoncé herself.

It's time to balance your mind and your body. Get ready to relax with the playlist "My Mind." It has all of the music you need to feel calm. Breathe, move, and enjoy...

Do you need an extra push? Ônne's "My Power" playlist is for you, to get you pumped up and working out at a new level.

If the playlists we've created don't work for you, we're letting you know now that nothing will. That said, let the music we've prepared for you give you a burst of energy and stimulate every muscle in your body.